increase website ranking

How To Increase Website Ranking Free

Major Factors To Increase Website Ranking

Website Ranking Depends on many factors. In this article, I  will tell you the most important factors to increase website ranking in Google search and other search engine results. All the search engines use these factors to optimize your website.  If a website is not following these factors may be, as a result, your website ranking may drop.

1. Title Tag To Increase Website Ranking

First of all, the Title tag of a website post or page is most important for a website’s ranking. All the search engines focus on a post title tag. Suppose, you are writing an article about how to increase a website’s ranking. Increasing website ranking is the main keyword for your post. You need to use your main keyword in the post URL, Title, and Description and repeat the main keyword in your article.

Description Meta Tag To Increase Ranking In Google

The search engine’s second step is the description meta tag. After looking at the meta title tag, search engines use description and description tags to attract visitors to visit the website.

H1 Tag OR Title For WordPress

The H1 heading tag is most important to increase the website ranking. You can easily use the H1 heading tag in an HTML static website. The WordPress website uses Title as an H1 tag, so you don’t need to add an h1 tag and you can also use H2, H3, and H4 in the HTML website or WordPress website. Seems like

<h1> your title</h1>

<h2> here your heading</h2>

<h3> put here your heading</h3>

2. Increase Website Ranking Factors:

1. WordPress SEO Plugin

The WordPress SEO plugin is highly recommended to increase the WordPress website ranking. The most popular WordPress SEO Plugin is Yoast SEO. Most of all website developers use this plugin to increase the website ranking. Therefore the Yoast SEO plugin is very useful. So, Please visit our other article on How to set up Yoast SEO.

2. Meta Robots Tags

You can easily use meta robots tags by using the Yoast SEO plugin. These robots prevent the search engine from using the information from open project directories and Yahoo directories. If you are not using these robots then search engines, especially Google, and Bing use the open directory instead of the use of your original website page description and title. These robots force search engines to use information from your pages. Open directories can not provide updated information. Therefore you need to use meta robot tags. Most of all noodp is more useful.

3. Noodp

The Noodp robot prevents Google, yahoo, and MSN from using information from open project directories and is forced to use information from the description of the website page. If you don’t know how to use the noodp robot then we recommend visiting Another article. Seems like

<meta   name=”robots”  content=”noodp”>

The Noydir robot prevents the Yahoo search engine from using information from the Yahoo directory.

<meta  name=”robots”  content=”noodp”>

4. Noindex 404 pages

Prevent your website not found pages from indexing search engines by using no index tag.

Therefore add  this code in header.php

<?php if( is_404() ) { ?>

<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex,nofollow” />

<?php } ?>

3. Website Speed To Increase Website Ranking

The website loading speed is the most important factor to increase the website ranking. Therefore you need to increase your website speed. If your website speed loading speed is so slow. The search engines crawl robots cannot cache website data. We highly recommend checking out Setup Yoast SEO

4. Google Webmaster Tool

The Google webmaster tool or Google search console is the most important tool to increase website ranking in Google search results. Therefore You need to create an account on Google webmaster tool and verify your website. Google Webmaster Tool tells all the SEO errors of your website. You can also fetch your website posts and submit a website sitemap to the Google search engine by using the Google webmaster tool. Therefore Visit the Google Webmaster Tool and you can also log in to the Gmail account.

5. Google Analytics

Analytics is a useful tool. Google Analytics tracks your website ranking and also tells visitors’ behaviour. Therefore we know how many new visitors are coming and returning visitors.

Hence you can increase website ranking in search engines. Therefore you need to follow these factors. A website will not get the best in search engines due to not following these factors. In addition, you just need to increase your website speed.